Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tarragon's 1st Annual Diaper Derby!

So... remember how in the last post we mentioned how hot it was...? People made bold claims like, "Man, it's so HOT! I would jump in the lake with all my clothes on!" So... the only thing stopping some of these folks was the threat of the $25,000 fine for anyone jumping off a moving boat... word spread through the crowd that our fabulous captain would stop the boat for us and let us swim if we wanted... too bad no one had a towel, a swim suit, a change of clothes, or even a floatie...

On the other hand, it was REALLY EFFING HOT and many people were enjoying the Coors Light, Bloody Mary's, Mimosas and Rainier Beers we had on board... perhaps people had a few too many of the Rainiers... (pronounced "Ron-YAY" for those of you who aren't locals)...

So there you have it folks - many a Tarragon employee took the plunge on that glorious day, including the big cheese, Mr. Blattner... too bad we got this shot of him about to belly flop into the lake. What a good sport! Joe rocks.

You know who else rocks?  Our captain. He let us swim and swim and swim... and eventually use almost all of his life rafts as floaties... what a mess he had to clean up after us, and never a complaint. This guy rocks and I highly recommend his services if ever you are so inclined. Look him up online, his boat is the Seeker...

Another good thing to note... beer floats. Throw cans of beer at your fellow employees as they swim, OH NO you missed my wonderful throw slash toss? Not to fear! Beer floats and you will soon have your frosty cold Ron-yay to cool you down a little further in that gloriously cool lake water...

Sommer and I couldn't take it anymore... we had vowed not to swim with the fishes (and the dead fishes we later found floating around us since it had gotten too hot for them and they died :() ... we checked to see that our clothes were machine washable, we grabbed some life jackets and jumped it. Man, the best decision I'd made all week by a long shot. There was no greater feeling than jumping in the lake at that moment... whoa. So we made it in the water in time for our group photo op... and if you're wondering why this is being called out as the Diaper Derby... well... when you get tired of swimming and someone throws you a life vest, you can put your legs through the arm holes to make yourself a nice floating chair that allows you to enjoy the cool water and a cold beer all at the same time without any effort... all while looking like you are wearing a bright orange diaper... despite the bruises you may receive or the assault your diaper may have on your junk... I highly recommend it...

Now if we could just get mimosas in cans...

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