Thursday, February 4, 2010

Battle Fish Taco

Continuing in our battle tradition, which started after Seafair last year with Battle Salmon (followed by Battle Soup), Sommer and Nick joined Amy and Anthony at Casa de Kirkland for Battle Fish Taco. And this time Sommer’s Husband, Joshua, was able to join us too – Yay!

This time the battle was a faceoff between Nick and Anthony. This is big time because it was not only Anthony’s first battle, but the first time Anthony cooked what we would consider a “real meal” all on his own! Anthony will tell you all about how he can make a mean omelet and a wicked quesadilla, but for the most part, Amy does the cooking. Below is a photo of Anthony preparing his fish, cod to be exact.

In the other corner, we have Nicky D, the Dav, chillin’ like a villain with his beer and his marinating Ahi Tuna. This was right before he decided it would be a good idea to cut off a chunk of his delicious smelling masterpiece and eat it raw, just to see how good it is… and it was good…

Now, we all know that Anthony can be a little OCD about things… and this being his first real meal to prepare for us all… the pressure was on. So to be sure he did everything exactly right, he consulted his recipe in his phone… and as also shown below, he had to be sure he had the math exactly right. “Let’s see… if I’m making a soft taco and a hard taco for each person, and there are five people, that’s ten tacos… so if I want 3 pieces of fish on each taco, I need thirty pieces of fish…” and there they are… all thirty pieces…

And there he is… our special guest this battle, Joshua Maser. Joshua has to work crazy hours and can only join us for battles if they are held Mondays and Tuesdays… here’s to Monday and Tuesday battles from here on out! Yay Joshua!... BTW – that means you have to battle next time Josh… get out your recipes!

Mmmm… there it is… the beautiful Costco Ahi Nick has prepared… can’t wait to try somathat! Hey Nick… I think it’s about time you get that baby on the grill!

And here we have Sommer preparing her guacamole! Sommer and Amy decided to have a side battle this time around, Battle Guac! And it was a wonderful success! Sommer made a wonderful guac with some tangy yogurt – delish! Amy’s guac was complete with garlic and some fresh veggies for kick and crunch – excellent!

OH! And let’s not forget our other honored guest – everyone, meet Moxie! She is so tiny that she spends most of her time in Sommer’s purse. She is quite possibly the cutest dog of all time on Earth.

And here it is… Nicky D’s work in action… way to take that extra sneaky outdoor shot for us Davalos!!

Awwww… the Maser Family! Aren’t they SO cute!!

Here’s a close up of Anthony’s hard work. Look at all that delicious fish! Complete with some spices and jalapeƱos for kick!

Here are the guacs side by side. Amy’s is the half full bowl… but that’s only because 1) Sommer made hers after Amy’s was already out and being eaten and 2) Sommer made a much larger serving size MMM they were both SO good!

Phew…Sommer’s exhausted!

Putting the finishing touches on those tacos… great job Sweetie!!

This is Nick’s final product. Ok, it looks a little gross, honestly, but it was SO wonderful! Carefully marinated and beautifully grilled, what an amazing dish, complete with a special white sauce!

Here’s the final feast… and an amazing shot of Sommer and Amy with their mouthfuls… way to act like ladies… ladies…
All good things must come to an end, and after this scrumptious and successful battle, it was time to say goodnight. Here’s our final shot of Mute and Moxie bidding each other ado! Until next time…. Allez cuisine!!

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