Monday, January 9, 2012

Xander's First Basketball Game!

That's right!  It's time to watch the Huskies play!  Xander's first basketball AND Husky game!  Yay!  Wil was turning 30 and got a large group of his friends to join him for a game and adventures in the University District.  The Beneezees made it out to the game, but as we learned the hard way, babies aren't welcome in bars...

Bundle up boys, it's cold out there!  But it's a fairly short walk from the parking lot to Hec Ed.  Yeah, we all still call it that.  Suck it Alaska Airlines.

Aren't they so cute!?

So who did we see play?  Huskies vs HUSKIES!?!?  What?  You mean the fake huskies!  Houston Baptist University huskies that is.

Bubba and Dada watch the action!

Yay Dada!  My first game!

Family photo op!

The view from our seats.  No, not the best seats in the house... exactly the opposite actually.  But still fun, despite the change in elevation.  Ok, it's a really small stadium so it wasn't that bad at all really.

Xander was SOOO tired at the game.  He's pretty good about finding a way to sleep in strange places, but this place was electric and scaring the crap out of him with every basket and crowd reaction.  He's pretty sensitive to vibrations, even good good good good vibrations.  We think they were giving him excitations.

We were all glad to be there for Wil and his big day, but we were perhaps equally thrilled when the game was over.  We were pretty exhausted from all that trying to go to sleep!

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