Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009... Kitties!!

This Halloween has a serious kitty theme. First, the kitty pumpkin... carved with a paring knife, box cutter and push pin... Here is an indoor daytime view...

Then of course, no pumpkin photo shoot would be complete without a night time dark as HELLoween view...
And of course, no Halloween would be complete without some costumes... and I'm not much for dressing up... so it's time to torture the kitties! Keep in mind, these are CAT costumes and are too big for kitties... we'll try again next year I'm sure...
Here is Satan Sark... what a cute little devil!!
Almost looks like a ladybug in that one or something... again, his costume is far too large for him. He was very much against wearing the costume so all photos of him in it are rare... thus he is being held against his will in this one...

Pretty sure he's trying to shake it off in this one, just a quick rest before shaking again...

Phew! Finally he broke free! Aww, even in a blurry photo he's still super cute!!

And here is Mute the Magnificant Witch! She's sooo cute! As you can see, the costume and hat are to big... but still Wicked Cute!
This is where she is trying to jump off the couch to break free of the costume, but ultimately the hat is too much of a distraction for her, so she's pouting a little bit...
A little tribute to MJ here I think... cuz this is thrilla yo!!
Always a super model at heart - Mute striking her super model pose!

Overall, dispite the photoshoots and the torture, it was a Happy Halloween for all! We were visited by more trick or treaters than I've seen in all the years I've lived in Washington State... phew, good thing we had enough candy!! Stay tuned next year when we hope these costumes will fit :)

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