"Gosh," Amy said, "I have 5.5 pounds of tart apples... what should I make..." Oh, how about the biggest apple pie man has ever seen?
So it started with the crust. She had to make that in two batches with her 4 cup mini food processor... hey, it was better than if she only had a magic bullet... so after making the crust and letting it sit over night... it was time to make the pie crusts (Ma, like "time to make the doughnuts") Let's just say that $hit was hard as eff to roll out... phew...
Then it was time to place the pie crust in and cut off the excess...
Then time to peel, core, chop and slice the apples - this formula calls for chopped and sliced apples to give it the huge size...
Oh yeah, it was LARGE... there it is next to our canisters for indication...
Don't forget to dot with butter, then time for the fun upper crust! Individually cut pastry hearts... where's the love? Somewhere inside the 4 hours of hearts...
Egg wash, sprinkle with sugar and chill for one hour...
Then it's time to bake that baby...
And TA DA! The 5.5 pounds of apple have been reduced, literally, to this mountain of apple pie! Enjoy!!
HOLLY MOLEY! That is one BIG pie but looks oh so tasty!