Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who likes oatmeal anyway?

Around four and a half months, Xander started to get a little fussy about his bottle feeding.  He got to a point where he'd gone through a 24 hour period without ever finishing a bottle and not eating a whole lot through that time.  He wasn't sick or all that fussy in general, he just didn't want a bottle.  His Mama and Dada got worried because this is really out of character for him.  As it turned out, these new parents were misreading his cues and trying to feed him too often and we've since gotten it all straightened out.  But... back when this was all going down we were desperate and tried giving Xander some baby oatmeal.  The doctor had already cleared us for solid foods, but we'd elected to wait till he was 6 months or we thought he needed to try something new.  So... here are photos of his first bite of food!

For all you experienced parents out there, this should look about right.

Xander also got pretty serious about trying to hold the bowl, but we had it under control...

We'd tried feeding him in a bumbo seat at first, but then we moved him to his high chair for the first time!  And he was enjoying himself...

Dada took a turn feeding his son...

It wasn't all smiles, but there was no crying and when it was all over Xander's expression seemed to ask, "Did I do good?"  Yes, sweetheart, the best!

UPDATE:  After the first feeding, Mama and Dada decided that we would try giving Xander a small amount of cereal twice a day, but only so long as the little guy was still refusing his bottle.  Mama tried with the cereal again two more times, but Xander refused to eat.  As it turns out he was just trying to eat too often and now he's back to just bottles... see you back at the high chair in a month or so, buddy!

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