Friday, June 7, 2013

Yard Bunny

Towards the end of March, Mama went to visit Grandma in Yelm.  Mama wanted to help Grandma around the house while she was recovering from surgery.

While Mama was gone, Dada spotted our friend the Yard Bunny.  Dada managed to get a quick photo of the little fuzzy one.  It is hard to see (camera phones aren't the best) but if you zoom in we think you'll see the bunny mid-hop as he travels from the grass to towards the fence.  

So cute!

Later, on another visit from the bunny (or so we assume, there could be multiple bunnies, we hear they multiply quickly...), Mama was able to get some photos with the real camera.  They were taken through the window and screen, so they could be better, but woah, that's a pretty good close up all things considered!

Sometimes the cats will see the bunny in the yard and make noises as if to say that they want to go outside and "play" with the bunny... and if Xander sees the bunny, of course he meows at it because he things all critters are kitties... We love when the bunny visits and we look forward to many more!

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