Sunday, April 25, 2010

Black Eyed Peas Concert at Tacoma Dome

So driving to the Tacoma Dome was interesting... to say the least. Traffic at the main exit was horrible, worse than that really. Words cannot express. People kept cheating and cutting others off. This was one of the offenders (below). Amy was trying to stay Zen, but let just a LITTLE too much space between her and the bumper she was riding... so these guys cut in. Stupid people. They eventually let another car in... but let's just say Amy went a little bit bat crazy and ultimately was singlehandedly responsible for keeping at least 3 cars from jumping the line. First she looked at the passenger in the car that was trying to get in front of her, she inched forward, made eye contact with the passenger and gave the most stern look possible and said, "NO". The passenger thought that she got the message, laughed a bit, because let's face it, that was funny, and convinced her driver to continue on to the next exit. Then Amy resorted to leaning out her window and SCREAMING at some other fools who she actually SCARED enough to make them take the next exit as well. Had we known there was a next exit, we would have taken it fo sho, but what the Tacoma Dome failed to communicate beforehand was how much they suck. Oh yeah, also the parking situation at the Tacoma Dome sucks a lot. They wave you in and have you wait in line after line, tell you to here, go there, then you discover ALL the lots are FULL. The people working there are idiots. We finally found a spot in a lot a little ways away, but we could have saved time had we done that in the first place. A holes. The opening acts were LMFAO (who we missed entirely due to traffic and a holes) and Ludacris.
Ludacris sorta blows... Amy always thought she liked him, but this performance was weak sauce. Suppose it could have just been the Tacoma Dome... Also, see below, Luda's dancers. Umm... hello? Maybe we should be bigger fans of Ludacris for hiring unattractive dancers - who says you have to be pretty to shake your thang all up on the stage? Hard to tell from here, and sure, they are doing their thing, but Amy was not a fan. She stated that dancers like that should wear heels so they have a chance of looking like ladies, not like Jell-o Jigglers up on stage. Cuz that's about all they did. Jiggled a lot. Bleck.
Mom and Kim Goldfarb went to the show with us too. We had a lot of fun. Not a flattering photo of Debbie below, shhh, don't tell her this is on here or she'll make us take it down...
The Black Eyed Peas came on and put on a heck of a show. Hard to see from the photo below, but they came up through the floor of the stage with some smoke and stuff if we remember right, it was entertaining to say the least.
The show was weird during some parts. Interesting costumes, lights, fire, etc. Below are the robots you may have seen at the Grammys...
Fergie must be the head of the crazy costume department. Look at those heels. Hard to tell from the picture, but she wore a lot of ugly chunky heeled shoes... lots of tight clothes of course, and different hair styles too. She looks kinda like the scary lady from Ghostbusters below...
Oh look! It's all the Peas together! 5 points if you know their names without google-ing it... doubt we'll be giving any points away... so... let's make it 50 points!!
This outfit looked like a weird leotard. Again, hard to see below... but it was pretty crazy. 10 times zoom REALLY should be enough, but it's not...
As predicted, something sorta flew over the stage... (oh, yeah, sorta hard to see again... but...)dude is on a motorcycle and riding around in the air suspended from the Tacoma Dome ceiling. Sorta cool if you like that kinda thing...
OK - man, if only the picture did it justice. This was Fergie Ferg's coolest outfit. The one Amy would wear if she was daring enough. It's SO hard to see here, and after scouring the net we could find no photos of the detail, but this dress and heels are not to be believed. Spikes coming out of the hips, the chest, shoulders too maybe, and the back of the heels... TOO flipping cool! It must have weighed a ton too!
Fergie was..... yep, you guessed it...
Ludacris came back for 1 song to sing with Fergie. G...g... L...l...A... a....M... m.. O...o... R...r... OUS! Flyin' first class, up in the sky, drankin' Champange, livin' life in the fast lane... Yeah, this was by FAR Amy's fave part of the show, she's a huge closet Fergie fan... (what up home girl!! Rock that dress and spike heel!)

The main B.E.P. dude (that's what Anthony calls him, Amy, on the other hand, as well as most of the rest of the world know the REAL name the artist goes by... you know, cuz he's hella famus like that. She'd spell it out for you, but she's not about to give away those 50 points to just any cheater...) put on a big show for us mid concert. He comes out in this wicket robot gear, crazy mask and stuff, then goes to the end of the stage. Stage starts to come up off the ground and is we-don't-know-how-many feet up in the air, crazy high... then he starts spinning records together, all these hit songs from the last couple decades, it was like a dance club, which was his goal. Amy thinks he was elaborating on their new CD title "The E.N.D" which means "The Energy Never Dies" so he was paying tribute to all the music that's come before... but who knows... The DJ stage rotated in the air while he played all types of songs to get the crowd into the show.
Whoa there Fergie, wtf is that? Who wears short shorts? Not this girl, she wears undies on the outside...
We had a pretty good time, considering we were in Tacoma. The Tacoma dome is not a good place to see a show. Billy Joel tried to warn us earlier this year... but we just didn't listen to you, did we, Billy!?
They turned out all of the lights and people held up their cell phones, lighters, etc. This picture does not do it justice.
Crazy stuff...
Crazy outfit...
seriously, what are those metal pieces coming out of her clothes (hard to see but there are metal rods sticking up and out of her hip line pointed out and towards her face... umm, hello?). Fergie is one weird Bia.
Hella confetti. Fo' Realz'. That was really fun :)

Oh, and if you were wondering. This show was put on in Tacoma. Near Seattle. The pacific northwest if you will. And the Peas wanted you to know they knew that. Seriously. Ok, most artists will put on a show and maybe ONCE or TWICE during the performance say something like, "What's up Tacoma?" or "Last time I performed in Seattle I was in this little dive bar, and because of amazing fans like you I'm headlining at the Key!!" Something like that... but no, the Peas must have encorporated the words "Tacoma" and "Seattle" over 25 times... maybe 50 times... it was REALLY OOC. Out Of Control yo! We know where we are, you know where we are, and it's hard to forget when you are in the Tacoma Dome cuz it's THAT bad... so yeah, enough with the shout outs!

What's up TACOMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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