Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Eye Candy

New photos hot off the camera... Enjoy!

Xander may not love our little photo shoots, but he does pretty well...

Mama had to get him in his I <3 Mommy outfit (which he always poops through or needs changing quickly after putting it on for some reason)

This photo makes you think he's shy... but we think it's a front...

No, no one scared the crap out of him, he just makes this face sometimes...

Raise your hand if you love your Mama... who loves his Mama...? "I do, Mama, I do!!"

I'm listening...

Bright lights are fun to look at, ooooooh....

Ok, Mama, time for the photo shoot to be over... oh, and could you check my diaper and put me down for a nap too please?

The next day, it was naked baby time!

Hip hop hooray, ho... hey... ho...

I'm so excited... so I'm gonna try and hide it...

Ahhh, Paparazzi!!

I love my hands SO much!  They make me so happy that I smile with my whole face!

Extreme close up!

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