Monday, October 5, 2009

M's Fan Appreciation 10/2/09

Amy and I always try to go to Fan Appreciation so we can win something. We have never won, so we must really be due. This year we had nice seats before the game.

First a buffet and some drinks....

Then breadsticks that reminded me of Italy, ok not really nearly as good, but the concept....
Amy was excited that it was the last Mariners game she would watch for 6 months!

It was cold (almost October yo) so we were bundled up hella!

The night stated off clear, but then the rain started coming.....

and the roof started closing.....

We got a bit wet while it was closing, but once it was closed, way better!

All done.

What is better than Blue cotton candy?..................Well duh, free Blue cotton candy!
Our seats were excellent and we got to watch Griffey hit from up close.

Felix is pitching Sunday and this was a cool graphic that the scoreboard had up. Felix is the man BTW!

Someday, that sweet swing will be missed.

Not his best night, but he did hit a HR last night and because I know the future, he hits a HR in tomorrow's Saturday's game).

This scoreboard showed what happened before we gave the game away and lost. Not a fun ending and not a great one to keep score at (I did, so I know).

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Drew and I were at the last game... missed you guys by 2 days.
