Friday, August 10, 2012

12 month photo shoot

Something tells us it will be a little harder to document Xander's second year than his first, but we started off strong!  

Xander got all dressed up the day after his birthday in his short sleeved dress shirt from Auntie Lynnette and his dark jeans.  Thank goodness those 9 month jeans still fit!

Here's that winning smile we've all loved since the first time we saw it.  Xander is doing a great job sitting in this chair without freaking his mama out too much with the wiggles.

Oh hi, Mama!  Aren't I handsome?  And look how nice our yard looks right now too!

Say cheese!  Xander had decided to give standing on the chair a try.  Such a cutie!

Hey, Mama?  If I sit in the chair backwards and sorta hang over the edge, is that cute?  Yes sweetie, super cute.

Xander had been working on his getting-off-a-chair-by-himself skills that day, so he put them to the test during our photo shoot.  It was going great until he got off the chair in an unorthodox way and got himself stuck like this.  So adorable!

So, what do you think?  Most handsome 12 month old ever?  We think so... but we're biased :)

1 comment:

  1. Here here! Most handsome and absolutely adorable 12 month old ever! That picture of him getting stuck cracked me up!!!
