Friday, August 17, 2012

Pizza Time

While Jeremy and Samara are away, we are getting all of their mail.  As a thank you for giving them that piece of mind, they wanted to do something special.  So they surprised us with some authentic deep dish Chicago style pizza!  They had it sent to our house, all we had to do was put it in the oven.

We tried the cheese pizza they sent first - it was huge!  They also sent us one other pizza with pineapple and olives that we've put aside in the freezer.  We may need to throw a party just to have a way to finish all the pizza at once this time.  That thing is gigantic!

Thanks for the cheesy goodness, Jeremy and Samara!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your support in our journey even though you have your hands incredibly full already! You guys are amazing and we are so blessed to be family! Love you guys!
