Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Tale of the Booze Monster

Once upon a time, Mama and Dada had occasion to take ownership of some "airplane" bottles of booze.  For some reason, those bottles wound up in the freezer to keep cool.  Sometime in Xander's 15th month of life, Mama had to dig deep into the freezer for something and Xander had ample time to check out the goods in cold storage.  Next thing we know, Xander is double fisting (unopened) bottles of booze!  

Watch out!  It's the Booze Monster!  Armed with Makers Mark and what looks like a tequila that no one will ever drink (who drinks tequila and why is it in the house?), the Booze Monster stalks his prey!

Sure, he looks innocent now, but he's dangerous!

Here is a rare look a the Booze Monster in his natural habitat.  It is difficult to see here but the Booze Monster is very intense and constantly testing the laws of physics.  Here he is testing how much force he can apply apply to either side of the booze bottles before they tip or fall over.

As soon as the Booze Monster had been thoroughly documented, he was easily distracted with toddler appropriate toys and morphed back into the sweet little boy we know and love.  But be warned, you never know when the Booze Monster will strike again!

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