Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mariners Fan Fest 2010

That's right, it's that time of year again... Mariners Fan Fest... also known as "Freeze your a$$ off waiting for an autograph day..." but that's just what Amy calls it...

Here's a picture of Casey Kotchman and Chone Figgins who gave autographs to Anthony, Wil and Nick. Amy went to visit Hyphen... also known as Ryan Rowland-Smith, the ausie pitcher she is a big fan of. No one else wanted to visit him, so she took one for the team by getting his autograph for Anthony. The thing was, she insisted on meeting him, and the only way to try and get all 3 autographs was if she went alone... so it worked out nicely... and he's a really nice man to btw... no picture of that tho because Anth had the camera...

Here's Nick, Anthony and Wil getting excited for our 2010 season... what's not to love about being at Safeco field?!?!
Nick posing for a picture he didn't know he was posing for...

Anthony in the press box soaking it all in, livin' the life... livin' the dream...

Nick taking the picture... always taking a picture of the kicks...aks Heat at events... it's his thing... even tho he refuses to start his own blog... he's so fired about that btw... and as a side note, he changed his plans to park and walk when he saw the rain... decided to pay for parking for fear that his precious kicks would get wet... good call Nick, no one wants soggy Heat...These are Nike SB's by the way. (SB = skateboard)

Some lovely baseball art for you all to enjoy...
Here's a shot of Wil and Anthony playing catch out on the field. Again, what's not to love about Safeco Field and Fan Fest?

Anthony loving it... and Amy behind the camera getting really pi$$ed at the a hole who keeps getting into all the pictures. Hey guy, take pictures of your little kid on your own time, and stay the eff out of my pictures... what do you think, this event is for the KIDS or something? Geez... effer...

Nice catch, Wil!!
Nice throw, Anth!!

High five!

Step right up, step right up, 3 balls is all it takes to win a prize... knock all these cans down with these 3 balls and we'll give you a prize. Turns out, it's harder than it looks, but Nick did it with one pitch. And the prize? Apparently it's your pride if you are above the age of anyone-who-still-uses-number-two-non-mechanical-pencils... who gives away pencils anyway? Safeco Field I guess. Do I smell budget cuts?

Anyone want to pitch in the bull pen? I do I do!!! Nice one Wil!
Woah, that was a fast one Anth!

See, we told you that you'd have fun, Nick... despite his protesting at every event "No, I don't really want to" Nick would get up there and take his turn, have some fun, and show everyone up... he's a natural!
Nice save sweetie!!

Ouch! Looks like that one hurt... (and trust us, it did... a little... later... after his flag football game...)

Mad hops, Wil!


Here's Anth... livin' the dream again... fantasizing about how he would change the world as the M's GM... And Wil is just keeping his nose warm while he waits for his turn to hit balls out of center field... The wind is really whippin' thru at this point...

Swing batta batta batta....

And it's OUTTA HERE!!!
Time to catch some fly balls.... and time for Amy to sit down for a while, she's been carrying everyone's stuff, backpacks, coats, balls (baseballs, signed ones...) and now, she's ti ti... plus she had a doughnut (the second highlight of the day after meeting Hyphen)... so she's extra ti ti...

And with that, we headed off to find whatever free stuff we could including a baseball bat pen and some chocolate milk, then headed out of Safeco Field. See you in April!!

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